A change is coming, but not a new one, just an old one revisited. Suffice it to say that cell phones aren’t what they use to be, but then again - neither were computers. So . . . how many similarities can we find?
Computers use to be big and not very functional except for the basics. Cell phones use to be so big and the only reason you would end the call was because your arm got tired. And of course these amazing new devices were oddly . . . just a phone.
They both got smaller. Then if you wanted something more powerful and with more features (computers and cell phones alike) you went out and bought a new one. Then both computers and cell phones alike became even smaller and thinner than anyone ever thought imaginable. For Computers the notable difference came in the version of the IBM ThinkPad and for cellular users it just had to be the Motorola Razr.
Computers went to the flat screen and then year by year became bigger and bigger. Hmmm . . . anyone ever heard of the ‘Droid’? With computers you could add more memory to speed up your device and make it more functional. Cell phones have followed the same path. Computers then made the leap – don’t buy a new one, just upgrade your software. Interesting . . .
I have noticed over the last several months how AT&T was making such a big deal about how their phones could run multiple applications at the same time, whereas the Verizon phones could not. Suddenly, I get a message from Verizon. New software is available for me to download that will allow my blackberry wireless phone to run multiple applications simultaneously.
I downloaded it in seconds and voila! Multiple applications are running on my blackberry wireless phone. For free by the way Mr. Gates. This distinction alone lets me know that Bill is not secretly running the cellular industry.
Cellular phones are officially running the same successful marketing strategies originally launched by the computer giants. Let’s face it, once cell phones moved into the ‘applications’ market, who needs a new phone? Just like computers, the equipment is fine, I just want the new stuff that is out on the market and available to me. And the cell phone manufacturers are now delivering it. The fact is; my phone was fine, it just didn’t run multiple applications on my network like AT&T’s. So, with just one software download and the problem (if there really was one) was corrected.
Where are we going from here? Well, if memory serves correctly, and given the current market condition there are a great many ‘free’ applications available for our cell phones, and of course you can buy some as well. I expect that the ‘free’ ones will soon become the minority and the ‘paid’ versions will be the bulk of what you can purchase. Additionally, expect the prices to start climbing just like with Microsoft.
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